When we look out upon the behavior of the world does it draw us in or repel us? I suppose it depends on what we see. Heroism or hedonism…
Daily Word: Are We Sleepwalking Through Life? Proverbs 6:10-11
Is there a difference between sleep and slumber? Apparently, yes. Sleep is a more restful state of being — generally, dreams occur during…
Daily Word: Do You Listen to His Teachers? Proverbs 5:13-14
How many teachers and instructors do you have in your life? One? Ten? Twenty? More? How many do you listen to? Our heavenly Father has…
Daily Word: Do Children Know How Special They Are? Proverbs 4:3-4
Could God be calling you to support families with children? Do you have gifts that He has given you that can make a difference in the life…
Daily Word: Have You Gained Understanding? Proverbs 3:13
Wisdom without understanding is like buying a kit without assembling it. A model that remains in its box, or scattered over a tabletop is…
Daily Word: Are You Intimidated by God’s “Menu?” Proverbs 2:7
Imagine that. Our Heavenly Father stores up all the wisdom we’ll ever need. It’s waiting there for us. We don’t have to steal it, borrow it…
Daily Word: It’s Time to Roll Back the Scroll . . . Proverbs 1:8
What new insights will our Heavenly Father have for us in September? How will He deepen our understanding of the ancient wisdom…
Daily Word: Well Done, My Dear! Proverbs 31:31
It’s official, my brothers. What we women diligently work toward, it’s okay for both of us to enjoy the fruits of our labor. It’s okay for…
Daily Word: Do We Add to God’s Words? Proverbs 30:6
Yikes! This is a scary one, isn’t it? Our loving heavenly Father whom we run to when we need a hug, doesn’t mess around with lies or…