Can a simple life be a rich life? Yes! It begins with gratitude. Gratitude for our families, our friends, our jobs, our homes. It’s noticing and remembering
Daily Word: What “Meal” are we Serving? Proverbs 15:17
Have you ever entered a home filled with the love of GOD — where the family dwells in unity, peace, and commitment? Do you remember what…
Daily Word: What Do You Breathe? Proverbs 14:5
Don’t you love people who tell the truth — the ones who breathe the truth? Telling a lie for them would be like trying to breathe underwater…
Daily Word: Do We Give God Joy? Proverbs 29:3
Okay, I love this proverb. At least the first part.I always knew that my dad loved me, but I’ve wondered over the years how much joy I…
Daily Word: Is Our End Poverty? Proverbs 22:16
This may be a blink* proverb to some. It was for me. But over time our Heavenly Father gave me a little nudge to look closer, and, lo and…
Daily Word: Are You a True Friend? Proverbs 19:7
This is a sad and uncomfortable proverb. What struck me this morning was that the “Poor Man” at one time had friends. Something happened…
Daily Word: Do We Have a Role in the Fight Against Wickedness? Proverbs 18:3
Since the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began shutting down or severely fining manufacturing plants, we don’t really see those…
Daily Word: Do You Love a “Good Fight?” Proverbs 18:6
Are there people in your life who “love a good fight?” They actually enjoy the excitement of a verbal battle or the opportunity to prove…
Daily Word: Love is a Choice. 1 Corinthians 13:7
Love works hard — love is purposeful. And despite what all the storybooks might say, love is a choice.Today a good portion of the world…