Since the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began shutting down or severely fining manufacturing plants, we don’t really see those…
Daily Word: Do You Love a “Good Fight?” Proverbs 18:6
Are there people in your life who “love a good fight?” They actually enjoy the excitement of a verbal battle or the opportunity to prove…
Daily Word: Love is a Choice. 1 Corinthians 13:7
Love works hard — love is purposeful. And despite what all the storybooks might say, love is a choice.Today a good portion of the world…
Daily Word: Our House is a Very, Very Fine House . . . Proverbs 14:1
I think it’s interesting that thousands of years ago — before feminism — men knew that women make the home. That she had a lot of power…
Daily Word: Don’t Stay There. Proverbs 6:23-24
Powerful emotions can drive change — for good or evil. Today’s proverb addresses the emotion of desire. Desire for what we cannot have, can…
Daily Word: Love Richly. Colossians 3:16
The context of this verse is so important to another series of verses. Why? What we read in today’s verse is uplifting. A bit of teaching…
Daily Word: Loving Examples. 1 John 4:19
Another drop-the-mic verse. We learn how to love because we have the perfect example, Yeshua — Jesus. But are there other examples of a…
Daily Word: With Thanksgiving. Philippians 4:6
I love the book of Philippians. There are plenty of quotables nestled within those few chapters. Today’s verse is one of those memorable…
Daily Word: Fulfilled the Law. John 15:12
Many still believe that Jesus “did away with” the Law. Nope. What He did was fulfill it (Matthew 5:17). Fulfilled it because we can’t…