Sorry for the graphic phrasing, but always taking the blessings from GOD and not channeling His encouragement to others just binds us in…
Daily Word: Prophetic Conduit, Proverbs 21:3
Is this verse saying that God wanted Israel—or us—to do the right thing rather than follow His commands? No. This passage’s truth was also…
Daily Word: Love is. . . 1 Corinthians 13:4
This chapter is probably spoken at more Christian weddings than any other — and rightfully so. But I would argue it should be the anthem…
Daily Word: What Do We Seek? Colossians 3:1
Did you catch that? Jesus sits at the right hand of His Father. There He intercedes — He prays on our behalf to His Father…
Daily Word: A Love Letter. Isaiah 43:2
Sigh. Today’s verse is part of a chapter I love for several reasons. First, because it is a “love letter” from the LORD to Israel…
Daily Word: Perspective Matters. John 3:17
Have we ever thought or been told or worse, told someone else, “If you don’t believe in Jesus, then you’ll be condemned to eternal…
Daily Word: Love that Carries Through. 1 Corinthians 13:6
Injustice comes in different forms. As redeemed children of our Heavenly Father, we can choose to rejoice in truth or in being justified…
Daily Word: Follow the Leader. John 13:34
Love one another. Just as Jesus loved us, we are to love others. If we are to love as Yeshua loved us, there’s an important question…
Daily Word: Do We Have a Choice, Really? John 13:34
Recognize a theme for the last week? Just in case it’s not clear, the theme has been “love.” Love in various contexts…