Seem familiar? Yesterday we spoke about the Proverbs 31 woman who embraced and connected with those in need.
Daily Word: GOD’s Perspective, Psalm 121:2
From time to time, I need reminding. Where I put my glasses. Adding butter to the shopping list. But a truly important reminder is about perspective. GOD’s perspective.
Daily Word: 1 John 4:18
Whoa. This verse is deep. Typically, folks — me included — don’t contextualize the “perfect love drives out fear.” Instead, we focus on God’s loves casts out fear. But the rest of the verse is pretty important. Why? Because it has to do with repentance.
Daily Word: Zephaniah 3:17
If someone would threaten to remove chocolate from this world if I didn’t choose my most favorite verse of the Bible, it would be today’s verse. Why? Because there are thousands of verses I love. Actually, it’s not that difficult for me to pick this passage. I mean what a love letter!
Daily Word: 1 John 4:19
We learn how to love because we have the perfect example, Yeshua — Jesus. But, there are other examples of a perfect love.
Daily Word: 1 Corinthians 13:1
Being able to communicate well — in any language — is only half the effort to relay and live the truth. The other half is love. Not just lovey-dovey love, but ,,,
Daily Word: Romans 8:39
Nothing can separate us from the love of God, not even us. His love is enduring — really it has to be to deal with fallen humanity. Why He gave us the greatest gift of in the universe when we’re such a mess is beyond my understanding.
Daily Word: 1 Corinthians 13:4
This chapter is probably spoken at more Christian weddings than any other — and rightfully so. But I would argue it should be the anthem for all followers …
Daily Word: Romans 8:35
Messiah loves us through every trial and tribulation, but do we love Him? Have we ever questioned God’s love?