Shabbat Shalom! I admire missionaries to remote lands most of us have never heard of. Could I do it? Probably not. And sometimes, I feel a…
Daily Word: Lessons in Context—Fear. 2 Timothy 1:7
In Paul’s second letter to his “spiritual” son, Timothy, he exhorts Timothy to press on without him.This letter is written by Paul in prison…
Daily Word: You can be an Influencer in a Child’s Life. Proverbs 23:15
Whether you’re a parent or an influencer in the life of a child, there’s something precious when an adult and a child have that heart…
Daily Word: Gangs in the Bible? Proverbs 1:19
ll back the Proverbs scroll for August. In between squeezing in vacations, shuttling kids to summer events, outdoor…
Daily Word: Do We Answer Foolishly? Proverbs 26:4
How does one answer a fool according to his folly? A folly is defined as a lack of good sense. It’s also defined as a costly building with…
Daily Word: Our Legacy? Proverbs 4:23
Most of you know of my love of the book of Proverbs. Reading a chapter each day for nearly two decades has changed my life in all areas: my…
Daily Word: Tried and True. 2 Timothy 2:15
In Paul’s letter to his spiritual son, he focuses on the importance of growth. Not just in numbers but generating new generations of…
Daily Word: 2 Timothy 1:7
Context. In Paul’s second letter to his “spiritual” son, Timothy, he exhorts Timothy to press on without him. Knowing the context of this verse reveals even more helpful insights for us.