Shabbat Shalom! This chapter is probably spoken at more Christian weddings than any other — and rightfully so. But I would argue it should…
Daily Word: Law vs. Grace? Romans 6:23
Believe it or not, this chapter in Romans has some controversy — or I should say — controversy concerning the understanding of grace vs. the Law…
Daily Word: Putting Up with One Another? Ephesians 4:2
Okay, I am chuckling here. The translators’ use of “putting up with one another in love” is awesome. We all know folks that annoy us…
Daily Word: Exhausted by Fools? Proverbs 27:3
Shabbat Shalom! Ever wonder why provocation by someone who doesn’t know any better is more exhausting than someone with an evil intent…
Daily Word: Justice for All! Proverbs 18:5
Hmm. I had always thought of this verse as two separate themes. Not showing partiality toward the wicked, then ensuring justice toward the innocent if/when they are accused. But I think …
Daily Word: What Does God Think When We Mess Up? Proverbs 24:16
I love this passage. I’ve taken great comfort in the picture of the Creator of the Universe as our Abba—Daddy. In this one verse, we can…
Daily Word: Give Grace and Mercy? Proverbs 24:17-18
Today’s proverb speaks of not taking pleasure in those we’re angry with when they stumble and fall.When someone who has mistreated us or…
Daily Word: Twelve or 8 Slices? Proverbs 29:9
A few years ago there was a video circulating on social media of a man asking his girlfriend if she wanted her pizza cut into 12 slices or…
Daily Word: Why is Partiality in Judgment Not Good? Proverbs 24:23
Are there times when partiality is okay? Sometimes. Someone has a bad day, we give them a bit more grace, maybe even some mercy when…