Does anyone remember the advice columnist “Ann Landers”? She and “Dear Abby” were big deals in the newspaper world. Their columns were…
Daily Word: Winking? Proverbs 16:30
The context and culture of this verse implies that winking is a form of deception. In other words, the winker conspires with the winkee to…
Daily Word: Even When Your Heart is Broken… Proverbs 15:23
Have you ever experienced this? The sweet joy of providing the perfect word from God for another person? It’s amazing. It connects us with…
Daily Word: Do You Have “Purse Syndrome?” Proverbs 14:12
Have you ever thought or said that when a decision or idea went awry? I sure have. And, I must admit that I’m someone who is fearful of…
Daily Word: Seeing the Person. Proverbs 13:8
I guess you could say hubby and I are “okay”, financially. We have a few dollars after expenses to once-in-awhile take a road trip or…
Daily Word: Are You a Virtuous Person? Proverbs 12:4
Not a wife? May I encourage you to continue? Marriage is about unity and unity in the Body of Messiah is just as important. Let’s begin by…
Daily Word: Where is The Humble Place? Proverbs 11:2
Oh my. It suddenly occurred to me that pride happens when we step outside the sacred place between us and our Heavenly Father…
Daily Word: Are Our Words Reckless? Proverbs 10:19
The book of Proverbs cautions many times against speaking too much. There are plenty of passages in both the Old and New Covenants that…
Daily Word: Would Wisdom Hire Us? Proverbs 9:3
Would we even apply to be one of Wisdom’s servant girls? I would! I want to be someone she hires — someone she trusts enough to convey her…