Have you ever had seasons of healing and recuperation where you’ve been confined to bed? Then you know the frustration of being kept from…
Daily Word: The Perfect Balance . . . Proverbs 19:12
Sounds so poetic, doesn’t it? “. . . dew on the grass.” But, for most of us in North America, dew can create fungus and mold on plants…
Daily Word: “It Wasn’t Me!” Proverbs 18:17
If you’ve ever taught, babysat, and/or had children, you totally get this proverb. Someone breaks a lamp — operative word here is someone…
Daily Word: Deal or No Deal? Proverbs 17:18
What’s wrong with helping out a friend or family member in need? Why not do a good deed? Help them buy a house? Help them get into a…
Daily Word: Seeking Honesty? Proverbs 16:13
Today’s proverb reminds me that I’ve been blessed with some amazing mentors and leaders in my life. People who saw me and my potential…
Daily Word: Bribing God? Proverbs 15:27
Greed elevates a desire for things and power and work, above a desire for God and family. It is greed that changes our priorities from our…
Daily Word: In Knots? Proverbs 14:17
I have issues with control. Do you? It occurred to me this morning reading this proverb that the need for control can lead to short fuses…
Daily Word: Do You Lie or Lie? Proverbs 13:5
Okay. This was a bit scary. I decided to look up the definition of a lie—to lie. Several dictionaries focused on the verb, “to lie.” But…
Daily Word: Strategic Selfishness? Proverbs 11:26
I think we’ve all struggled with selfishness—being the giver or the recipient of another’s selfishness. Someone asks us for a favor and…