With all the dissent and fear and anxiety around us, is the LORD requiring this of us? To step toward real acts of love and service? Yes…
Daily Word: Perspective. Psalm 121:2
From time to time, I need reminding. Where I put my glasses. Adding butter to the shopping list. But a truly important reminder is about perspective…
Daily Word: Ready and Willing. Romans 1:16
The Roman believers began “independently” of the Jewish emissaries from Jerusalem. Prior to the new congregation of Roman believers, there was a significant…
Daily Word: Awesomely, Wonderfully Made. Psalm 139:13-14
Do you feel awesomely and wonderfully made? Sometimes I do — sometimes I don’t, other times, it’s meh. Perhaps the difference in how we may…
Daily Word: Lessons in Context—Fear. 2 Timothy 1:7
In Paul’s second letter to his “spiritual” son, Timothy, he exhorts Timothy to press on without him.This letter is written by Paul in prison…
Daily Word: Law vs. Grace? Romans 6:23
Believe it or not, this chapter in Romans has some controversy — or I should say — controversy concerning the understanding of grace vs. the Law…
Daily Word: Please Don’t Hate Me. Matthew 18:20
For centuries today’s verse was taken out of the context. For most of my life as a believer, my fellow worshippers and prayer warriors…
Daily Word: Deny Myself? Oy! Luke 9:23-24
Deny myself? Really? Our Savior’s statement probably wouldn’t fly in today’s world — follower of Jesus or not. To deny ourselves means we…
Daily Word: Putting Up with One Another? Ephesians 4:2
Okay, I am chuckling here. The translators’ use of “putting up with one another in love” is awesome. We all know folks that annoy us…
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