Have we ever thought or been told or worse, told someone else, “If you don’t believe in Jesus, then you’ll be condemned to eternal damnation.”? The truth is, before being redeemed…
Daily Word: Very Loved Specks. Psalm 19:2[1]
These days we battle big things like rights, but we also battle just as important things like protecting our identity. We protect our identity…
Daily Word: Does it Compute? Proverbs 1:22
Our country is amazing, nevertheless, we are still a work in progress, no question. Which is why studying and living wisdom is so important…
Daily Word: Look for the Sweet Moments. Jeremiah 31:25
Shabbat Shalom! Context. This passage is part of a prophetic night-vision God gives Jeremiah. A beautiful vision of hope for the believing and faithful remnant of Israel…
Daily Word: Since the Garden. 1 John 4:4
Shabbat Shalom. Let’s face it, things are getting real out there. Real bad. And it can feel scary that many of the values we hold so dear are…
Daily Word: We Can’t Change… What We Don’t See. Psalm 139:23-24
Do we have the courage to pray this passage? Every single day? Perhaps several times a day? I used to. Not sure when I stopped, but no question…
Daily Word: Enjoying the Test? Jacob [James] 1:12
The first time I rode a rollercoaster was a right-of-passage moment. Looking back, it set a precedent for facing my fears. One of my younger…
Daily Word: Action vs. Words 1 Corinthians 13:13
With all the dissent and fear and anxiety around us, is the LORD requiring this of us? To step toward real acts of love and service? Yes…
Daily Word: Perspective. Psalm 121:2
From time to time, I need reminding. Where I put my glasses. Adding butter to the shopping list. But a truly important reminder is about perspective…