It hit me a while back that Proverbs says that there are health benefits to those who practice humility. So, I thought I would check that…
Daily Word: We’re Not Perfect. Proverbs 2:13
Is it possible to leave the straight paths and walk in darkness? Well, unfortunately, it is. Unless I’m mistaken, we’re not perfect. It’s…
Daily Word: Spiritual Food too Rich? Proverbs 30:5
Okay. I am embarrassed to admit this, but, I love those videos of parents feeding babies new foods. Those little faces scrunch up in…
Daily Word: Servant or Friend? Proverbs 29:19
Before you “blink”* past this verse, I would like to call your attention to the words of Jesus in John 15:15…
Daily Word: Finish the Puzzle. Proverbs 28:20
Are you a puzzle person? All those little interlocking pieces that can only be assembled one way? Right? Well, yes and no. While we can’t…
Daily Word: Are Your Eyes Satisfied? Proverbs 27:20
Greed. Most examples of greed begin with the eyes. From the tiniest baby to the wizened adult, when we see something we want and can’t…
Daily Word: Don’t Give Up! Proverbs 26:15
Believe it or not, there are people who choose to restrain themselves from work — from life. Something in their past triggers a…
Daily Word: Thrown Anyone Under the Bus Lately? Proverbs 25:9-10
For most of my life, I had a real problem. Because of my deeply rooted insecurities, I needed to be right. Craved being right. Being wrong…
Daily Word: Why is Partiality in Judgment Not Good? Proverbs 24:23
Are there times when partiality is okay? Sometimes. Someone has a bad day, we give them a bit more grace, maybe even some mercy when…