Ever participate in a foolish conversation? How long did it take before we came to that realization?A “fool” is the opposite of someone…
Daily Word: A Valuable Lesson, Proverbs 30:10
Remember our gratitude for those souls working in the service industries during COVID? But did we learn a lesson? Those souls working in…
Daily Word: Do We Answer Foolishly? Proverbs 26:4
How does one answer a fool according to his folly? A folly is defined as a lack of good sense. It’s also defined as a costly building with…
Daily Word: “Little” Compromises? Proverbs 23:5
The context of this proverb is about unbalanced priorities, and how this imbalance can draw us away from our Heavenly Father and our…
Daily Word: Bigger than Us? Proverbs 21:12
Well, today’s proverb is one of those confusing passages. As I often do, I researched various scholarly works for the wise ones’…
Daily Word: Disguised Gossip. Proverbs 20:19
When we think of talebearers or blabbermouths or gossips, generally we think of a certain type of person. Women talking on the phone or…
Daily Word: Planning? Proverbs 19:21
How often do we seek the LORD’s counsel before we proceed with our plans? I wish I could say, “Woo-hoo! All the time!” Really, I wish I…
Daily Word: Are You Provoked? Proverbs 17:16
These days there are plenty of posts and stories from the Middle East and in our cities that provoke emotions. However, this devotion is…
Daily Word: My Big Mouth! Proverbs 13:3
Have you ever moaned, “Me, and my big mouth”? I sure have. Too many times in my lifetime. Ever wonder where that regret came from…