Did you know you rule a “kingdom?” Your kingdom may be your family, your business, classroom, or even your vehicle when you drive to work or run errands. Whatever or wherever you “govern” or have authority, that is your mini kingdom. Including our own minds.
Daily Word: It’s Not Rocket Science, but it is Brilliant! Proverbs 19:16
Our Heavenly Father’s commandments are simple, straight forward, really, but it’s amazing how difficult they are to keep them. Don’t lie. Honor the Sabbath. Don’t covet. Honor our parents. And so on.
Daily Word: Justice for All! Proverbs 18:5
Hmm. I had always thought of this verse as two separate themes. Not showing partiality toward the wicked, then ensuring justice toward the innocent if/when they are accused. But I think …
Daily Word: Gray Hair a Crown of Glory? Really? Proverbs 16:31
The appearance of gray–or white–hair on our heads is no guarantee that wisdom will simply emanate from us. Sigh. That was rather disappointing news for me …
Daily Word: Has Wisdom Found a Home with You? Proverbs 14:33
I love this proverb. There’s something peaceful about the image of wisdom finding a home …
Daily Word: Do We Really Know the Answer? Proverbs 13:16
Research takes time. It’s an important ingredient to the foundation of knowledge. So, when we’re asked a question we don’t know the answer to, what should we do?
Daily Word: Do We Seek Honor? Proverbs 12:9
Can a simple life be a rich life? Yes! It begins with gratitude. Gratitude for our families, our friends, our jobs, our homes. It’s noticing and remembering
Daily Word: What About the Stumbles? Proverbs 11:19
One of the most difficult feats for humanity is the steadfast heart. To maintain a purposed, disciplined life is no easy task. Each day we must make choices. Honestly, leading a steadfast, righteous life may seem impossible.
Daily Word: Does Your Speech Hold Value? Proverbs 10:20
Ah, yes, the tongue. There are over 140 Biblical references concerning the tongue. Most unfortunately are cautionary.