Is our covenant of peace shaken, today? Are the mountains and hills around us shaking so badly, we wonder if or how we’ll get through this…
Daily Word: Seek His Face! 1 Chronicles 16:11
Finally! The Ark of the Covenant is back under the sovereignty of the King of Israel — the former shepherd boy, David ben Jesse. From the…
Daily Word: Leave It Up to Dad. 2 Corinthians 9:8
Many folks think this passage and the previous verses are all about money. Give generously “to the LORD” and He’ll give even more in…
Daily Word: Tell His Wonders. Psalm 9:2[1]
How do we praise the LORD with our whole heart? We tell everyone about His wonders. For David, the author of this psalm, his praise begins…
Daily Word: Strength to the Weary. Isaiah 40:29
Happy New Year! I hope this devotion is helpful for you—it was for me.Context. This verse is tucked into one of the most encouraging…
Daily Word: Our Gift, Too. Psalm 126:5
We stood overlooking Jerusalem — for the very first time. Our tour leader Rabbi Jonathan Bernis was giving us a sneak peek into the…