I love this proverb. There’s something peaceful about the image of wisdom finding a home …
Daily Word: Do We Really Know the Answer? Proverbs 13:16
Research takes time. It’s an important ingredient to the foundation of knowledge. So, when we’re asked a question we don’t know the answer to, what should we do?
Daily Word: Do We Seek Honor? Proverbs 12:9
Can a simple life be a rich life? Yes! It begins with gratitude. Gratitude for our families, our friends, our jobs, our homes. It’s noticing and remembering
Daily Word: What About the Stumbles? Proverbs 11:19
One of the most difficult feats for humanity is the steadfast heart. To maintain a purposed, disciplined life is no easy task. Each day we must make choices. Honestly, leading a steadfast, righteous life may seem impossible.
Daily Word: Does Your Speech Hold Value? Proverbs 10:20
Ah, yes, the tongue. There are over 140 Biblical references concerning the tongue. Most unfortunately are cautionary.
Daily Word: Does Your “Crown” Fit? Proverbs 30:29-31, TLV
This might be a “blink”* passage for you — it sure was for me for a number of years. Recently, our Heavenly Father cracked the window into…
Daily Word: Are You an Accomplice to “Emotional” Crimes? Proverbs 29:24
Who is an accomplice? It’s a person who is closely associated with someone, particularly one involved in wrongdoing. So, in other words, we…
Daily Word: How Do We Know When and Where to Give? Psalm 28:27
Happy Thanksgiving! May today be a great feast of joy, gratitude, and new, sweet memories.
How Do We Know When and Where to Give?
Daily Word: Can We Learn from Emotional Wounds? Preparing for Thanksgiving. Proverbs 27:6
True friendship, with a firm foundation, can overcome the deepest of wounds and become stronger and better for it. What we learn in the…