How many have a wise child? Not everyone, unfortunately. Hubby and I didn’t understand the wisdom thing ourselves — even as believers…
Daily Word: Keep On, Keeping On! Colossians 3:17
Whatever we say or do reflects Jesus. Do our actions glorify and give our gratitude to our Heavenly Father—or not? Yikes. I suppose we can…
Daily Word: A Different Perspective. Psalm 95:6
Some scholars believe Psalm 95 is part of a series of psalms (93, 95-99) called “enthronement psalms.” Written around the Babylonian exile…
Daily Word: Belief. Trust. Love. 1 John 4:15
That’s the context of today’s verse. What do I mean by this?Loved ones, let us love one another, for love is from God. Everyone who loves…
Daily Word: Less is More? Matthew 6:25
You know what I noticed? The more stuff I have, the more I worry about other stuff. What about you? Doesn’t seem quite right, does it…
Daily Word: Monday Blahs? Psalm 147:11
Ahh. Mondays. For many, it is the beginning of the workweek, and the relaxation or fun activities of the weekend are but memories and…
Daily Word: Prepare the Way. Isaiah 40:3
This chapter in Isaiah is both prophetic and an encouragement to a beleaguered and rebellious Jewish people. Yet, it speaks to those…
Daily Word: Action vs. Words? Or Both? 1 Corinthians 13:13
With all the dissent and fear and anxiety around us, is the LORD requiring more loving action and less talk of love? Yes. And no…
Daily Word: A Continual Feast? Proverbs 15:15
Ever hear the story about the father who gave one child a bunch of Christmas gifts and the other child just one gift?The first child opens…