To coin an elegant Jersey response, “Yo, Peter! Preach it!” In this chapter, it is no holds barred for our outspoken brother. After…
Daily Word: What’s Your Great Commission? Mark 16:15
The Great Commission. It is interesting that Mark’s perspective of Yeshua’s Gospel marching orders to His disciples is a little different…
Daily Word: Winking = Wounding? Proverbs 10:10
Have you ever been in a conversation where you felt left out? Almost as though the people around you were in on a secret, and they…
Daily Word: Capture the Thought? 2 Corinthians 10:5
A few years ago, I received a revelation about this verse. It’s simple really. The premise is: I can’t hide my thoughts from God. Here’s…
Daily Word: My Eye on You. Psalm 32:8
Another verse where context is so important. David bemoans his unsettled heart and mind. He has sinned and, as yet, he has not confessed…
Daily Word: Breakthrough Listening. James [Jacob] 1:19
Apparently, not much has changed since those two souls were kicked out of the Garden. We’re still slow to listen, but quick to speak and…
Daily Word: Simple Isn’t Easy. Matthew 22:37-39
Context. During the time of Jesus, every Jewish soul who sat under the teachings of their parents and attended synagogue or traveled to…
Daily Word: Practice Makes Peace. Philippians 4:9
Philippians is one of the letters Paul wrote from prison. Based on the tone of Paul’s letter, the believing community in Philippi seemed to…
Daily Word: Our Legacy? Proverbs 4:23
Most of you know of my love of the book of Proverbs. Reading a chapter each day for nearly two decades has changed my life in all areas: my…