Here’s a difficult question. Have you ever cheated on a test? Getting the answers to a test by cheating foils the purpose of a test — to…
Daily Word: The Reality of the Impossible. Luke 1:37
The context of this verse is an angel announces to a young maiden — which culturally at that time was a virgin — that she was chosen to…
Daily Word: Hear the Siren? Jacob (James) 1:22-24, TLV
This is a meaty passage, don’t you think? My takeaway is that I have a choice to be a doer of God’s word or only a hearer.A doer will try…
Daily Word: Flattery Fogs Perception. Proverbs 28:23
Who doesn’t like compliments? Is flattery the same as a compliment? No. I used to think it was no big deal to dish out or receive flattery…
Daily Word: What Are the Scriptures? Romans 15:4
“… the encouragement of the Scriptures …” When we read the word Scriptures, what do we think of? The Gospels? At the time of Paul’s letter…
Daily Word: Don’t Waste a Moment on Foolishness. Jacob (James) 5:16, TLV
Our context from today’s verse is the final written words of Jacob, Yeshua’s half-brother. [BTW, his name wasn’t James. Long story.]…
Daily Word: Watch Those Fastballs! 1 Thessalonians 5:15
Our verse today is taken from one of Paul’s earliest letters to the Thessalonians. It appears that the non-Jewish believers were being…
Daily Word: GOD’s Quotation Marks. Psalm 113:3
The Biblical day begins at sundown. “. . . So there was evening and there was morning—one day.” (Genesis 1:5b, TLV). So, it is interesting…
Daily Word: Double-Minded? Proverbs 23:19
I love the phrase, “. . . guide your heart in the right way.” Our heart can have a “mind” of its own, can’t it? Driven by emotion and whim…