The first time I rode a rollercoaster was like a right-of-passage moment. Looking back, it reminds me of facing my fears. One of my…
Daily Word: 4 Ways to Love the Unlovable. 1 John 4:11
God loves us, right? Since God loves us, it should be easy to love one another. Sigh. Unfortunately, sometimes it feels downright…
Daily Word: Always Working! Philippians 2:13
Sometimes we just don’t want to do the right thing, do we? The thing that our Heavenly Father has told us to do?And this is no random…
Daily Word: Bearing Burdens. Psalm 68:20[19]
Most likely, this psalm — written by David — was a psalm of ascent. The Jewish people prepared for worship, by worshipping. This…
Daily Word: Anniversary Gratitude. Philippians 4:4
Today marks the 49th year of my marriage to the love of my life, Bob. I remember walking toward my beloved on the arm of my father, with…
Daily Word: A Beautiful Turn of the Phrase. Romans 8:6
Goodness. Did you read all of chapter 8? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. The chapter further demonstrates the brilliance and…
Daily Word: Walking Companions, Proverbs 13:20
It’s true. Who we hang around with does affect us. To “walk” with someone is a purposeful act of relationship. We spend time with them—we…
Daily Word: Come Little Lambs. Psalm 23:3
Can you feel that sentence in today’s verse? “Restore my soul.” Some translations use “refresh,” but I think I prefer restore…
Daily Word: Spiritual Constipation? 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Sorry for the graphic phrasing, but always taking the blessings from GOD and not channeling His encouragement to others just binds us in…