And so the “mountain teaching” (Matthew 5-7) continues into chapter seven. Today’s verse has been labeled as, “The Golden Rule.” Generally…
Daily Word: Wait for It . . . Psalm 27:14
Sometimes the most difficult thing we can do in our faith journey is to wait. Waiting requires faith — real, walk-it-out faith…
Daily Word: Quibbling or Re-Calibrating? Proverbs 29:18
Today’s little proverb is one of the most misused passages in the Bible. Really. Respected leaders have used this verse…
Daily Word: No Regrets? 2 Corinthians 7:10
Paul’s first letter to the believers in Corinth produced a strong reaction. In this case, it was conviction of their sins — even deep…
Daily Word: Wanderers. Proverbs 27:8
What a vivid picture this proverb provokes. A bird that flies too far from the safety of its home leaves itself vulnerable to predators…
Daily Word: Prophetic Conduit, Proverbs 21:3
Is this verse saying that God wanted Israel—or us—to do the right thing rather than follow His commands? No. This passage’s truth was also…
Daily Word: Compassion Like Peanut Butter. Luke 6:36
Boy, what a battle I had this morning. Was the Holy Spirit really wanting me to talk about Luke, believed to be a Gentile doctor who had…
Daily Word: Seeking Favor in the Wrong Places? Proverbs 19:6
I like receiving unexpected gifts, don’t you? A little something given to me that has nothing to do with my birthday or anniversary or…
Daily Word: After Jonah. Nahum 1:7
We look at a “minor” prophet’s words today, Nahum. Nahum is the Hebrew word for comfort or consolation, but this prophet’s writings are…