This verse is so powerful. Essentially Jesus is invoking the “Golden Rule” — “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31) –and expands on it in the pericope…
Daily Word: Ever Flowing Justice and Righteousness. Amos 5:24
Have you ever read the book of Amos? Its contents are pretty tough. A lot of God’s judgments on Israel’s neighbors and then Israel herself…
Daily Word: Testing Our Hungers, Matthew 5:6
What do we hunger and thirst for? Each of us probably has different priorities. And these “cravings” can change from day to day. Even from…
Daily Word: Are You Oppressed or Offended? Proverbs 29:14, TLV
This proverb provoked a theme that might be a bit controversial. Nevertheless, I believe it’s important. We’re living in a world of…
Daily Word: Ever Receive “The Look?” Proverbs 20:8
You know the Look that penetrates through any layers of excuses or defenses to the core of our heart? For sure we probably received the…
Daily Word: Pursue Shalom? With Everyone? Hebrews 12:14
It is interesting that this verse is tucked within instructions on how to accept discipline from God, our Heavenly Father…
Daily Word: Our Song of Ascent. Psalm 130:5
Today’s verse is nestled within a Song of Ascents (vs. 1) psalm. If you’ve read my devotions over the years, you probably remember that…
Daily Word: Waiting for the Fruit? Hebrews 12:11
Hmm. Now, isn’t that the truth? Discipline seems painful, not joyful — at least at the moment. The key is waiting for the fruit of that…
Daily Word: Makers of Peace? Matthew 5:9
Believe it or not, one doesn’t have to be a trained diplomat to be a peacemaker. Even professionals aren’t very successful these days. It…