Did you blink past today’s proverb? For years, I sure did. I treated this verse as merely the preface to verse 33: “For as churning milk…
Daily Word: GOD’s Justice is Bigger than Us. Proverbs 29:7
The book of Proverbs is big on justice. Why? Because justice is important to the Creator of the Universe — our Father. In fact, justice is…
Daily Word: Envy, Anyone? Proverbs 23:17
Why would we envy sinners? What do they have, really, that we want? If we’re honest with ourselves, many of us wish we had nice/nicer…
Daily Word: With Thanksgiving. Philippians 4:6
I love the book of Philippians. There are plenty of quotables nestled within those few chapters. Today’s verse is one of those memorable…
Daily Word: The Art of Praise. The Revelation 4:11
Anyone an artist? Or sculptor, lyricist, writer? The context of today’s verse expresses beautiful images of the throne room of heaven…
Daily Word: Enter His Gates! Psalm 100:4-5
How do we enter our LORD’s gates? In other words, when we enter our congregation’s parking lot, are we in an attitude of worship and praise…
Daily Word: What Fills Your Treasuries? Proverbs 8:21
Treasuries? What do we treasure? Today’s chapter instructs us about wisdom’s ability to help us acquire and steward our most valuable…
Daily Word: Daddy’s Home! Proverbs 2:5
What goes through your mind when you read, “fear of the LORD?” Do you think about the flood and Noah (Genesis 7), Aaron’s sons Nadab and…
Daily Word: The Latest Fashion: Humility. 1 Peter 5:6
While this verse is directed to the “elders” (vs. 1), we can all take a lesson in Peter’s letter to the diaspora (Jewish people living…