Apparently, not much has changed since those two souls were kicked out of the Garden. We’re still slow to listen, but quick to speak and get angry.
Daily Word: Practice Makes Peace, Philippians 4:9
Philippians is one of the letters Paul wrote from prison. Based on the tone of Paul’s letter, the believing community in Philippi seemed to be a favorite of his.
Daily Word: Simple Isn’t Always Easy, Matthew 22:37-39
From the time the Finger of God wrote on tablets of stone (Exodus 31:18), to Moses transcribing ADONAI’s Torah (Genesis to Deuteronomy), it has always been Love God (Deuteronomy 6:5). Love one another (Leviticus 18:19).
Daily Word: Shabbat Shalom! Romans 15:13
What can I say? This verse speaks for itself, so I pray this for you, my friends. God bless you!
Daily Word: Every Thought? 2 Corinthians 10:5
Every Thought? A few years ago, I received this revelation. It’s simple really. I can’t hide my thoughts from God. Here’s the thing.
Daily Word: Harvest? All the Fields? Matthew 9:37-38
Matthew’s record of Yeshua’s activity in chapter 9 is a whirlwind of healing, deliverance, correction, exhortation, and teaching. Imagine following Him from miracle to miracle, watching Him give “what for” to snooty Pharisees, and perhaps, patting one another on the backs that they were the chosen ones.
Daily Word: What Will Be our Final Praise? Psalm 145:18
This is a psalm of praise written by King David. It is said that it was his last psalm. His last psalm was pure praise
Daily Word: Don’t Hold Too Tightly, 2 Peter 2:3
Like so many other emissaries and apostles, Peter had hoped that Yeshua would return soon. What is so profound, is Peter receives a special discernment that is an important message for us today.
Daily Word: Even When it Hurts, Ephesians 6:12
No matter how brutal or hurtful the attacks, our struggle is not with that person (s), it is with the vilest creatures GOD threw out of heaven.