Paul’s first book to the Corinthians is saturated with references to the Torah (Genesis to Deuteronomy), the Prophets, and the Writings. Why?
Daily Word: Is Your Service Too Slow? Matthew 20:28
Is Your Service Too Slow? Do you feel more comfortable as the server or the served? Are we irritated when service is slow?
Daily Word: Endures Forever, Psalm 100:5
Did you know there are more than 40 passages that speak of GOD’s mercy and lovingkindness? And they’re not in the New Testament.
Daily Word: Designed for a Purpose, Ephesians 2:10
We were created for a purpose. Isn’t that comforting? We were made for good deeds, yet our salvation doesn’t rest on them (Ephesians 2: 8-9). Isn’t that liberating?
Daily Word: Love God, Love Each Other, Galatians 5:14
Many folks think that Jesus did away with the Law — the Torah — but He didn’t, He fulfilled it (Matthew 5:17).
Daily Word: A Beautiful Turn of the Phrase, Romans 8:6
Did you read all of chapter 8? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. The chapter further demonstrates the brilliance and incredible ability for Paul to turn a beautiful phrase.
Daily Word: I Don’t Understand. John 20:2
I Don’t Understand. Shalom aleichem — Peace be unto you! Perhaps we can take some comfort in the story behind this verse.
Daily Word: After Jonah, Nahum 1:7
We look at another “minor” prophet’s words today, Nahum. Nahum is the Hebrew word for comfort or consolation, but this prophet’s writings are anything but — at least for Nineveh.
Daily Word: A Generous Heart, Luke 6:38
Understanding a verse’s full context is the difference between looking into the window of a beautiful home, and living there.