Have you ever felt it? You shouldn’t feel calm or clearheaded, but you are. There is grief or chaos or hopelessness or fear around you, but…
Daily Word: Peace with Everyone? Hebrew 12:14
Are we to have shalom — peace — with everyone? It is interesting that this verse is tucked within instructions on how to accept discipline from God, our Heavenly Father…
Daily Word: Is There Delight in Your Soul? Proverbs 29:17
For those with young children, we know the sleepless nights of colic, sickness, potty training, etc. But, what of the sleepless nights and…
Daily Word: Wait for It. Isaiah 40:31
Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! For those who celebrate both . . . GOD bless you! This season can get lost in the bedlam around us…
Daily Word: Are You in the Wrong “Neighborhood?” Proverbs 17:1
I used to live in “Strife-ville.” I’m not sure when I moved there. One day I happened to notice I was surrounded by strife. And in an odd…
Daily Word: What’s Your Harvest? Proverbs 14:14
Our proverb today reminds me of the concept of sowing and reaping. What we sow into something we will reap. In this verse, someone who…
Daily Word: Pursue Shalom? With Everyone? Hebrews 12:14
It is interesting that this verse is tucked within instructions on how to accept discipline from God, our Heavenly Father…
Daily Word: Our House is a Very, Very Fine House . . . Proverbs 14:1
I think it’s interesting that thousands of years ago — before feminism — men knew that women make the home. That she had a lot of power…
Daily Word: Roots of Anxiety. Proverbs 12:25
Just saw a fascinating video about anxiety (see video below). There’s a rise in diagnoses of anxiety and ADHD — I think we all know that…