Some scholars believe Psalm 95 is part of a series of psalms (93, 95-99) called “enthronement psalms.” Written around the Babylonian exile…
Daily Word: Breakthrough Listening. James [Jacob] 1:19
Apparently, not much has changed since those two souls were kicked out of the Garden. We’re still slow to listen, but quick to speak and…
Daily Word: Bigger Than Us? Proverbs 21:12
Well, today’s proverb is one of those confusing passages. As I often do, I researched various scholarly works for the wise ones’…
Daily Word: Transformed Not Conformed. Romans 12:2
This verse nestles within another memorable chapter. Paul instructs the Roman believing community to be transformed by the Creator rather…
Daily Word: Perfect Peace? Really? Isaiah 26:3
The book of Isaiah holds many prophecies. Some of them are scary. But chapter twenty-six is a song. A song of triumph. Isaiah is…
Daily Word: Not the World’s Peace. John 14:27
My friend shared the photo of two men comforting a screaming woman as they sought temporary shelter during a rocket attack in Israel…
Daily Word: A Bubble of Peace? Philippians 4:7
Shalom? Have you ever felt it? You shouldn’t feel calm or clearheaded, but you are. There is grief or chaos or hopelessness or fear…
Daily Word: A Different Perspective, Psalm 95:6
Some scholars believe Psalm 95 is part of a series of psalms called “enthronement psalms.” Written around the Babylonian exile,
Daily Word: Shalom. John 14:7
Last year, my friend shared this photo of two men comforting a woman as they sought temporary shelter during a rocket attack in Israel.