Has anyone ever said to you, “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle.”? That saying — which isn’t Scriptural — might be a misinterpretation…
Daily Word: Do You Consider Your Soul? Proverbs 7:21-23
“…he never considered his own soul!” That phrase “provokes” some emotion in me. How about you? It provokes a healthy sense of fear and…
Daily Word: How Do You Lock Out Seduction? Proverbs 7:8
This might be considered another “blink”* Proverb, but I think there’s something in here for all of us. Verses 5 through to 27 can be…
Daily Word: Are Your Eyes Satisfied? Proverbs 27:20
Greed. Most examples of greed begin with the eyes. From the tiniest baby to the wizened adult, when we see something we want and can’t…
Daily Word: Escape Route? Proverbs 7:5
What is seduction? Is it only about sex? No. Seduction is a deeper level of temptation. It involves both the mind and body. It’s about…
Daily Word: OUCH! Proverbs 22:5
Have you ever been pricked by a thorn? Most likely it happened because the thorns weren’t visible initially. Or we weren’t paying…
Daily Word: What’s Your Harvest? Proverbs 14:14
Our proverb today reminds me of the concept of sowing and reaping. What we sow into something we will reap. In this verse, someone who…
Daily Word: Let Go of the Banana! Proverbs 11:6
Have you ever seen a monkey trap? It’s quite simple: place a banana in a box, bottle, or gourd with a small opening. The monkey sees or…
Daily Word: Focus. Proverbs 7:12
I hope you’ll give me a bit of poetic license here. Today’s selection is within the context of the “seducing woman” (Proverbs 7:5). Which…