Believe it or not, this chapter in Romans has some controversy — or I should say — controversy concerning the understanding of grace vs. the Law…
Daily Word: Owners or Stewards? Proverbs 21:20
Do you like to antique shop? Ever wonder at what point a piece of furniture is considered an antique? It must be at least 100 years old! Which means that wardrobe or dining table must be well-constructed and well-cared for it to last that long. An owner of something that valuable really isn’t the owner because the furniture will last longer than them.
Daily Word: It’s Not Rocket Science, but it is Brilliant! Proverbs 19:16
Our Heavenly Father’s commandments are simple, straight forward, really, but it’s amazing how difficult they are to keep them. Don’t lie. Honor the Sabbath. Don’t covet. Honor our parents. And so on.
Daily Word: Before We Open Our Mouth . . . Proverbs 31:9
What does it really mean to judge righteously? Some might believe that skin color and socioeconomic position should determine justice…
Daily Word: A Beautiful Turn of the Phrase. Romans 8:6
Goodness. Did you read all of chapter 8? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. The chapter further demonstrates the brilliance and…
Daily Word: To Eat or Not to Eat? 1 Corinthians 10:31
What we eat or drink can give glory to GOD? In today’s verse take out of context the question is: “Whether we eat or drink, what?” When we…
Daily Word: What IS the Law of Messiah? Galatians 6:2
What is the “Law” of Messiah? That question has been debated for centuries, even more so in the last three or four decades.
Daily Word: A Beautiful Turn of the Phrase, Romans 8:6
Did you read all of chapter 8? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. The chapter further demonstrates the brilliance and incredible ability for Paul to turn a beautiful phrase.