The first time I rode a rollercoaster was a right-of-passage moment. Looking back, it set a precedent for facing my fears. One of my younger…
Daily Word: Mobile Faith? Psalm 46:2[1]
Anyone out there remember the credit card commercial slogan, “Don’t leave home without it!”? That was the first thought I had when reading today’s verse…
Daily Word: Seeking Wholeheartedly. Jeremiah 29:13
Shabbat Shalom. Jeremiah has some of the most beautiful understanding of the Creator of the Universe. The prophet also shows our Creator’s…
Daily Word: Echad—One? Zechariah 14:9
Shabbat Shalom! Those who love delving into the book of Revelation will love Zechariah. Reading today’s chapter will give us the flavor of the last book of the Bible…
Daily Word: Weed Out Worry. Matthew 6:24
This is another verse where context is important. In this chapter, Jesus talks about people who love appearing impressive and righteous…
Daily Word: Does Worry Make Us Forget? Proverbs 3:1-2
L’shana Tova! Happy New Year! Yes, it is the Jewish New Year or head of the year. Also known as Yom Teruah—the Day of the Trumpets/Shofar…
Daily Word: Are You a Morning or Evening Person? Proverbs 27:14
Morning vs. evening people. Yes, there really is such a thing. Today’s proverb is helpful in maintaining a harmonious relationship with…
Daily Word: What Do You Trust? Proverbs 11:28
Growing up, I was never outdoorsy, but I did enjoy sitting in the branches of the maple tree in our yard. My adventurous endeavor was…
Daily Word: Are You Up Against a “City of Warriors?” Proverbs 21:22
Today’s proverb today reminds me of those miraculous stories in the Bible. You know the ones I’m talking about. Where the underdog…