They are always before us, aren’t they? Every single day. Sometimes moment by moment. Decisions that can be life altering and we don’t even realize it…
Daily Word: Please Don’t Hate Me. Matthew 18:20
For centuries today’s verse was taken out of the context. For most of my life as a believer, my fellow worshippers and prayer warriors…
Daily Word: Collectibles Worth Acquiring? Proverbs 8:12
Do you collect things? Books. Bottle caps. Dolls. Antiques. Stamps. Figurines. Automobiles. The list can go on and on. A true collector…
Daily Word: What is Your Strength? Proverbs 14:26
Okay, my friends. Bear with me on this one. I’ve meditated on this one for a while, but frankly, I may need more time. You’ll be able to…
Daily Word: Do You See the Prisms in Proverbs? Proverbs 9:9
You know how I love to tell you all how important it is to live the Proverbs? That living the Proverbs means we’re in them each day — as…
Daily Word: Do We Heed Wisdom’s Call? Proverbs 8:1
Our Heavenly Father longs for us to seek wisdom — to seek His counsel. The first four chapters of Proverbs share the benefits of seeking…
Daily Word: Have You Gained Understanding? Proverbs 3:13
Wisdom without understanding is like buying a kit without assembling it. A model that remains in its box, or scattered over a tabletop is…
Daily Word: Fifty Years! Proverbs 24:3-4
Today, Bob and I celebrate our fiftieth anniversary. Still finding it difficult to comprehend that we’ve been married five decades…
Daily Word: Have You Gained Understanding?
Wisdom without understanding is like buying a model kit without assembling it. A model in a box, or scattered over a tabletop is not…