For one who seeks after knowledge, everything around them is a classroom. They have a driving urge to learn. For those redeemed by the…
Daily Word: Lashings—With a Wet Noodle? Proverbs 17:10
Does anyone remember the advice columnist “Ann Landers”? She and “Dear Abby” were big deals in the newspaper world. Their columns were…
Daily Word: “It Wasn’t Me!” Proverbs 18:17
If you’ve ever taught, babysat, and/or had children, you totally get this proverb. Someone breaks a lamp — operative word here is someone…
Daily Word: Escape Route? Proverbs 7:5
What is seduction? Is it only about sex? No. Seduction is a deeper level of temptation. It involves both the mind and body. It’s about…
Daily Word: Feel Like You’re Being Watched? Proverbs 23:26
Have you ever felt like you were being watched? Not in a creepy way, but that people were observing your behavior? Your life? Your…
Daily Word: What Does a Slacker Look Like? Proverbs 20:4
What does a slacker look like? I think of a slacker as an intelligent lazy person. Slackers can get lost in their own mental pursuits and…
Daily Word: What Treasures Do You See? Proverbs 16:16
When wisdom and understanding are our priorities, we view the world differently. We see the inconsistencies, the injustice, the lack…
Daily Word: The Apprentice of Wisdom. Proverbs 1:1-2
Happy May! It’s a new month and I was thinking, just a few months ago many of us were making New Year’s Resolutions. How are you doing…
Daily Word: A Crooked Path? Proverbs 2:15
Sigh. There are so many scammers out there it’s difficult to be on the alert. Internet. Social Media. Some are even trying to get in our…