Shabbat Shalom! Here we go again with the importance of context. Why is context so important? Understanding the full context is the difference between looking into the window…
Daily Word: Does it Compute? Proverbs 1:22
Our country is amazing, nevertheless, we are still a work in progress, no question. Which is why studying and living wisdom is so important…
Daily Word: Decisions. Decisions. James [Jacob] 1:5, TLV
They are always before us, aren’t they? Every single day. Sometimes moment by moment. Decisions that can be life altering and we don’t even realize it…
Daily Word: Who? Proverbs 30:4
I love these passages in Scripture. They remind us of who we are — and more importantly, who GOD is. No one can compare with ADONAI…
Daily Word: Is There Delight in Your Soul? Proverbs 29:17
For those with young children, we know the sleepless nights of colic, sickness, potty training, etc. But, what of the sleepless nights and…
Daily Word: Never Give Up… Proverbs 28:14
Shabbat Shalom! You know what? Sometimes life can beat us down. Sometimes life is so complicated we want to check out. Hide from the daily…
Daily Word: Exhausted by Fools? Proverbs 27:3
Shabbat Shalom! Ever wonder why provocation by someone who doesn’t know any better is more exhausting than someone with an evil intent…
Daily Word: What Does the Secret Place Look Like? Proverbs 5:1
I love the imagery of today’s proverb. “Incline your ear . . .” This image depicts a sense of intimacy. To trust the speaker enough to lean…
Daily Word: Do You Know Your Boundary Stone? Proverbs 22:28
As my husband and I age, our parents have either gone on before us to our Heavenly Father or are otherwise engaged living this season of their life. It occurred to me the other day that …