Birthday Gratitude. So, today’s my birthday. Each year, I choose this proverb to commemorate my long and arduous — yet, somehow satisfying — Wisdom Journey.
Daily Word: Has Wisdom Found a Home with You? Proverbs 14:33
I love this proverb. There’s something peaceful about the image of wisdom finding a home …
Daily Word: It’s Never Too Late to Begin… Proverbs 2:21
In a perfect world, our Wisdom’s Journey would begin at an early age. We would have parents, perhaps even grandparents who guide us in…
Daily Word: What Kind of “Kingdom” do We Have? Proverbs 14:28
Do we have “kingdoms?” In a way, yes, we do. If you have children, own a business, supervise employees, teach, then you are something of…
Daily Word: Gangs in the Bible? Proverbs 1:19
ll back the Proverbs scroll for August. In between squeezing in vacations, shuttling kids to summer events, outdoor…
Daily Word: Lose Something? Proverbs 3:21
Have you ever misplaced your keys? Wallet? Phone? Sunglasses? Those items we generally need when going outside? I sure have. Way too often…
Daily Word: The Apprentice of Wisdom. Proverbs 1:1-2
Happy May! It’s a new month and I was thinking, just a few months ago many of us were making New Year’s Resolutions. How are you doing…
Daily Word: Hang On! Proverbs 11:14
Guess what I’ve discovered? I don’t know everything. Shocker, I know. Somewhere around my thirties, I realized I knew even less than I had…
Daily Word: Student to Practitioner to Teacher. Proverbs 12:14
If one can have a favorite chapter in Proverbs, this is mine. It is meaty with lessons and guidance, yes, but what I love about it is how…