This is another verse where context is important. In this chapter, Jesus talks about people who love appearing impressive and righteous…
Daily Word: Does Worry Make Us Forget? Proverbs 3:1-2
L’shana Tova! Happy New Year! Yes, it is the Jewish New Year or head of the year. Also known as Yom Teruah—the Day of the Trumpets/Shofar…
Daily Word: 5 Ways to Cast Your Worries on GOD. 1 Peter 5:7
Sounds simple: Cast all our worries on GOD. Sometimes it doesn’t feel that way, does it? At times we can feel like the weight of all our…
Daily Word: Wee-Hours Worry Proverbs 23:4
I remember the scary months before my husband retired and we moved from Pennsylvania to Georgia. Those wee-hours of worry about how we…
Daily Word: Weed Out Worry, Matthew 6:34
Worry sneaks into our lives in so many ways, doesn’t it? From people-pleasing, to what we’ll wear, to our health, our loved ones, whether we’ll have enough food to feed our children, worry chokes the life out of our faith. Worry chokes the life out of our love and joy.
Daily Word: Matthew 6:34
Worry sneaks into our lives in so many ways, doesn’t it? From people-pleasing, to what we’ll wear, to our health, our loved ones, whether we’ll have enough food to feed our children, worry chokes the life out of our faith. Worry chokes the life out of our love and joy.
Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 23:4
Today’s Blog: Wee Hours Worry
Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 21:19
Do you create a desert or fertile environment?