Shabbat Shalom! Arise! Shine! Today’s verse leads us into one of the most profound chapters of prophesies. Some have come to be, others are…
Daily Word: Worthy of Praise Every Day. Isaiah 7:14
When was Jesus born? For roughly 2.5 billion people, Jesus’s birth was celebrated yesterday, December 25th. A whole industry and our economy…
Daily Word: Servant or Friend? Proverbs 29:19
Before you “blink”* past this verse, I would like to call your attention to the words of Jesus in John 15:15…
Daily Word: When Bad Things Happen to Good People. Proverbs 19:23
Bad things happen to good people. All people. It’s the way of our fallen world. These bad things can leave wounds to our soul that affect…
Daily Word: Falling Short? Romans 23-24
Sigh. We are all sinners. Each and every one of us fall short of the glory of God. We’re born into a fallen world, and it doesn’t take…
Daily Word: The Lamb of GOD! John 1:29
Throughout Scripture, one of Israel’s greatest fears was to be abandoned by God. To be like sheep scattered without a shepherd…
Daily Word: The Morning After. Luke 22.19-20
If you’ve ever celebrated a full Passover Seder, trying to unpack the symbolism and prophetic fulfillment would take a lifetime. Our…
Daily Word: 4 Lessons I Learned from Skeeball. 1 John 5:14
Have you ever played games at amusement parks or traveling carnivals? Generally, it involves a lot of quarters that tally quickly to…
Daily Word: What’s in a Name? Isaiah 12:2
My new readers frequently ask why I love using Jesus’s Hebrew name, Yeshua. Sometimes I say, “That’s the name His mother called Him when…