Daily Word: The Great Plan, Philippians 2:7-8

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

But He emptied Himself—
taking on the form of a slave,
becoming the likeness of men
and being found in appearance as a man.
He humbled Himself—
becoming obedient to the point of death,
even death on a cross. Philippians 2:7-8, TLV


The Great Plan.  The Father paced before His throne. He paused. “Son, in order for this to work, You will have to become like them.”

“Yes, Father. I am willing,” the Son said.

“You will be little more than a slave to those You are to save.”

Straightening His shoulders, the Son lifted His chin. “Father, I have been with You from the beginning of this Plan. I am Your Right Arm ready to go and do Your bidding.”

“Son, I love them so much I am sending them You, My beloved Son. I am asking You, the Prince of Peace to humble Yourself and be named like one of them, and take human form.”

The Son kneels before the Father. “And I love You so much that I will do everything and anything You require of Me.”

“Even unto death, My Son? You know nothing of death. But I can tell You it will be the most excruciating, humiliating death.”

The Son gazed into eternity that is the eyes of His Father and said, “Not My will, but Your will be done.”

The Father embraced His Son. They stood together. “Ready, Son?”

“Yes, Father.”

“Let Us begin.

Let there be light!” 









Adapted from my April 2021 devotion.

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