Today’s Blog: What Will Others Remember of You?
TODAY’S PROVERB: The memory of the righteous is a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot. Proverbs 10:7, TLV

We all have memories of people we loved and respected who have passed on. I think of my dad and my grandmother. Both represented love and a quiet faith that lives on in my life. Their memories live on in my stories and other writings. Do you have people in your life like that? Share those memories with your children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Keep those lessons we learned from them and pass them on.
Then there are those we don’t know personally, yet these souls continue to impact our life despite joining the citizens of Heaven. People like Corrie ten Boom, Billy Graham, Oswald Chambers, Moses, the woman at the well . . .
Righteous people leave a sweet fragrance in our hearts when we remember them. It’s part of their legacy.
What will others say of us when we graduate to our heavenly home and embrace our Heavenly Father and His Son? Will they have sweet memories that inspire them to greatness? Or will it be a hodgepodge of sweet and stinky?
For a long time, mine was a hodgepodge — a mixture of righteous and not-so righteous. In fact, much of my latter years has been cleaning up the stinky-ness I left in other’s lives. And, I’m so grateful to have that opportunity.
Does that mean everyone will love — or even like — us? If we’re living righteously, the answer is: no. Darkness will always hate the light. But, a righteous life lived with integrity will produce respect — even with our “enemies.” (Proverbs 16:7)
Our reflection . . .
Living a righteous life is something we do because of gratitude. Gratitude to our Abba — our Heavenly Daddy — and His Son who sacrificed His life for us. That’s where we begin. But, what I love about today’s proverb is its reminder of what that looks like in other’s lives. If the reflection of us in others’ eyes isn’t what it should be, seek the Holy Spirit how that can change. If how we see others is tainted with anger, rejection, disappointment, or sadness, forgive them. Then seek the Holy Spirit for instruction in how to walk that forgiveness out.
As I said, this proverb is another way to walk the sanctification of our redemption. It’s encouraging to know that long after we’re gone, our life can still impact others in a sweet way. And that is a beautiful thing.
May our life be a sweet memory to others, my friends.
Proverbs 10:7 Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible, #tlvproverbs