Today’s Blog: Hang On!
TODAY’S PROVERBS: Without guidance people fall, with many counselors there is deliverance. Proverbs 11:14, TLV
Guess what I’ve discovered? I don’t know everything. Shocker, I know. Somewhere around my thirties, I realized I knew even less than what I had thought. As my world expanded, what I didn’t know grew. Has that happened to you?
What I learned around that same time was the importance of having trusted, wise counselors. Someone who has lived longer, or is wiser than me.
If you’re beginning this Wisdom Journey, be sure you find wise advisors, mentors. We can’t do this on our own. It’s too easy to fall into discouragement. I don’t know about you, but there have been moments in my life where I felt like I was barely holding on.
We all need guidance in every stage of life. Since the CDC’s proclamation that I am elderly, I can tell you that we need counsel, too. So, I counsel people, and I go to others when I need counsel.
Discovering and developing regular go-to trustworthy counselors takes time and effort — and most important, prayer. Sometimes personalities on the surface don’t seem to mesh, but our Heavenly Father knows what both parties need to make the relationship work.
What to look for . . .
If you’re looking for trustworthy counselors, mentors, and/or advisors that you can call on regularly, there are certain qualities that will stand out. These folks will:
- love the Word of GOD and spend time in it every day.
- live the Bible — not just say, but do. And, we can see the evidence in their life.
- share valuable and practical insights into life and living.
- exhibit compassion because they remember their own struggles and aren’t afraid to share the difficult lessons they themselves have learned.
- truly invest in seeing us succeed, even when we are on our way to being “more” successful than they are. In fact, they are excited for us.
- keep us grounded in humility and gratitude because that’s the place they abide.
If we find a counselor or advisor that meets these criteria, then we have found a treasure. A double blessing is someone who becomes a friend.
May we have and be trustworthy counselors, my friends.
Proverbs 11:14 Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible, #tlvproverbs