Today’s Blog: Like a Bolt of Lightening, Arrogance Strikes
TODAY’S PROVERB: Arrogance yields nothing but strife. Wisdom belongs to those who take advice. Proverbs 13:10, TLV
How does an arrogant person cause strife? It’s not just that they feel they are right — about almost everything — it’s that they are overbearing about it. They can’t simply be right about something, they use it as an excuse to belittle and sometimes bully.
Strife happens when we disagree with an arrogant person. A difference of opinion can quickly evolve into a bitter argument with flare-ups of anger.
An arrogant person struggles with wisdom — they believe they are the only wise person in the room and cannot understand why they can’t get the respect they feel they deserve. They also wonder — from time to time — why they don’t have many friends.
If you have a family member, friend, co-worker, or acquaintance who struggles with arrogance, know that in most cases, deep down, there’s a wealth of insecurity driving that energy. Generally, it stems from issues in their childhood.
Other types of arrogance come from someone who actually has accomplished much, but seems to have forgotten gratitude and humility.
Yeshua answered, “My teaching is not from Me, but from Him who sent Me. If anyone wants to do His will, he will know whether My teaching comes from God or it is Myself speaking. Whoever speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him, He is true and there is no unrighteousness in Him.”
JESUS, JOHN 7:16-18, TLV
No matter the root of arrogance, most souls are unaware of their behavior. So, unless the good LORD tells you otherwise, once that pretentious person is offended or challenged, it’s best to stay back and hold our tongue.
Building trust?
Building trust with this individual is difficult. If we care about them — especially if they’re family — it’s worth a prayerful and wise investment of our effort. Because most don’t realize they hurt others, let them know. Model appropriate, respectful behavior when there are differences of opinion — especially when things become heated.
There’s an old saying we writers use: Show don’t Tell. Sometimes a prideful person won’t listen, but if they can see how their actions hurt others — and make themselves look foolish — a spark might ignite in their spirit. That way, the one “Telling” is the Holy Spirit.
Ultimately, we must take responsibility for our own conduct. It’s important to pay attention to the Holy Spirit’s directives. And that might mean, doing the difficult thing, like walking away.
Only our Heavenly Father can help a person change their heart. He did it with us, right? We need to trust Him with others.
May we walk in wisdom, gratitude, and humility, my friends.
Proverbs 13:10 Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible, #tlvproverbs