Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 13:6

Terri GillespieWisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs, My Latest Book Journey

Is righteousness merely a line in the sand?

TODAY’S PROVERB: Righteousness guards one who walks in integrity, but wickedness overthrows the sinner. Proverbs 13:6

There is protection in boundaries. Boundaries tell us when to stop. When we cross a boundary wrongfully, we can expect repercussions.

This world seems to view Godly boundaries as lines in the sand that are easily trampled over or washed away. That they are merely illustrative rather than hard and fast rules.

Have you noticed, those who routinely ignore boundaries tend to be surprised when bad things happen to them? They have difficulty learning from their mistakes because they don’t understand they have crossed the lines of bad choices, sin, or folly.

Our Heavenly Father has set up systems to protect us. Adhering to these systems is wise. When we walk in the integrity it takes to abide within those boundaries, we are guarded by His perfect will. And that’s a good thing.

May we walk in integrity, my friends.

Proverbs 13:6 Tree of Life Bible Society, Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible#tlvproverbs