Today’s Blog: In knots?
TODAY’S PROVERB: One with a short temper acts foolishly, and one with crafty schemes is hated. Proverbs 14:17, TLV
I have issues with control. Do you? It occurred to me this morning reading this proverb that the need for control can lead to short fuses. Hence the inevitable frustration and anger.
There was a show on one of the cable networks called Bridezilla. A reality TV series that focused on one engaged couple per episode. Each show depicts the struggles of the family and friends who must endure the tantrums of a bride seeking the “perfect” wedding celebration.

I tried watching one episode and had to turn it off. It just hit too close to my wigwam. Why? Because, I found myself sympathizing with the bride’s frustration but appalled at her behavior. But, it did hold up a mirror in front of me. Am I so driven and ungrateful that I suck up all the joy and love around me?
Over the years, I’ve noticed that the more complicated I make my plans, the more stress I unnecessarily bring on myself — and those around me. The more I expect perfection, the more disappointment and frustration shortens my fuse.
Whereas, when I plan with the understanding that there may be — who am I kidding, there will surely be — changes and complications, I enjoy the process more.
Are we bridezillas?
How about you? Do you find yourself frustrated and angry when planning family and friend events? Like me, do people who work or live with us give us a wide berth in the event we explode because things didn’t go our way?
Perhaps it’s time to do a bit of soul searching. Hold that mirror up and ask our Father to show us what’s going on in our hearts. Untie the knots we’ve created that we believe will make us happy, successful, confident, and loved.
Whatever He shows us, know that He shows us so we can be set free. And give our family and friends a break! Which is a good thing.
May we release our knot and enjoy the process, my friends.
Proverbs 14:17 Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible, #tlvproverbs