Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 1:8

Terri GillespieWisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs

Roll back for more!

TODAY’S PROVERB: Hear, my son, your father’s instruction and forsake not your mother’s teaching. Proverbs 1:8, TLV

Rolling back the scroll is a celebration. For the Jewish people it means we finished this book(s) and we can now begin again. Ever wonder why those Jewish scholars had such profound insights? It’s because they read and re-read the TANAKH (what Christians know as the Old Testament). It’s why the scribes were so accurate, they read these words their whole life.

In my search for wisdom, I adopted that repetitive technique for Proverbs. Each day I read the chapter that corresponds to the date. On the first of a new month, I “scroll” back to chapter 1 and begin again. To search the proverbs for new insights, deeper insights, and reminders of wisdom I have forgotten.

School begins . . .

For many families, their children will soon begin school again. On those car rides to and from, why not turn off the radio, remove the headsets, and chat about what you’ve learned each day in Proverbs. Share a story. Ask some questions. Live wisdom with your kids.

Today’s proverb speaks of this very thing — well, maybe not while driving in the car. Wisdom, knowledge, discernment, and understanding are legacies we can pass on to our children, and children’s children. This inheritance is greater than silver and gold.

If you are new to reading Proverbs, keep the conversations simple and personal, like: “Hey kids, I learned something new today . . .” Keep it brief.

If they begin asking questions, be prepared to answer. And if you don’t know, say so, because at a certain point, our kids will notice. We could say: “Wow! What a great question! I’ll have to check into that.”

Dialog about the wisdom of Proverbs will open the doors to learning more about how your children think. And there are some profound things inside those developing brains.

As we roll back the scroll and begin again in Proverbs, our Heavenly Father is “driving” us to school. He’s sharing His wisdom. And, if we have questions, He’s there to point us to His answers — even if it’s to dig a little deeper.

May we roll back to deeper insights, my friends.

Proverbs 1:8 Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible#tlvproverbs