Today’s Blog: A Crushed Spirit
TODAY’S PROVERB: One’s spirit sustains him through illness, but who can bear a crushed spirit? Proverbs 18:14, TLV
A crushed spirit. We would probably better know this as a crisis of faith. Most likely we’ve all had varying degrees of this over our journey. I know I have. Several times.
Usually the trigger is an expectation that went unfulfilled, which caused me to be disappointed with my Heavenly Father. Oh. You might ask, “Is that kosher? Can we do that?”
If you ever wonder about the legitimacy of little peons like us questioning the Creator of the Universe, read the book of Psalms.
How long, Adonai? Will You forget me forever?
How long will You hide Your face from me?
How long must I have cares in my soul
and daily sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me?
Look at me and answer, Adonai my God.
Light up my eyes, or I will sleep in death.
Or else my enemy will say: “I have overcome him!”
and my foes will rejoice because I am shaken.
That’s pretty raw, don’t you think? Not only did David write this, but he had his music director put it to music.
How was my spirit restored? The same way as King David’s. By remembering. I remembered what He had done for me in the past. His loving-kindness. The miracles in my life. And, that big reminder that He is God and I am not. He just might know a thing or two that I don’t.
But I trust in Your lovingkindness,
my heart rejoices in Your salvation.
I will sing to Adonai,
because He has been good to me.
Sometimes Abba and I worked it out together in private. Other times, I needed my brothers and sisters in faith.
Don’t be afraid . . .
What I have learned is to not be afraid to question. To wonder, “How long?” The journey can enrichen our faith. Prune and refine us.
It’s no picnic, but if we take our crushed spirits to Him, He’ll walk us through what He wants us to know. And, if necessary, show us how to be satisfied with the unanswered questions.
One of my favorite Marty Goetz songs during one particularly difficult season was How Long, O Lord, from my favorite CD, The Love of God. This song is based on Psalm 13, and I played it a lot. I hope it blesses you.
May we remember the goodness of our Father, my friends.
Proverbs 18:14 Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible, #tlvproverbs