Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 18:6

Terri GillespieWisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs

Do you love a “good fight?”

TODAY’S PROVERB: The lips of a fool enter into an argument and his mouth invites a beating. Proverbs 18:6

argueAre there people in your life who “love a good fight?” They actually enjoy the excitement of a verbal battle or the opportunity to prove they’re right. They enter the argument not with the intent of coming to a consensus or finding a middle ground to move forward, but to carry the banner of truth, justice, and their way.

Today’s chapter includes several warnings about fools and their loose tongues.

The venue for these types of foolish arguments have expanded to groups of hundreds — sometimes thousands. We’re not just limited to one-on-one encounters with foolish souls, now they can leave their hurtful comments in ranting posts of ignorance and hatred.

How do we handle these folks? The same way we do in person — walk away, ignore, don’t engage, or use the delete button.

I have a few people that don’t always agree with my blogs and posts. And from time to time they post, respectfully, why they disagree with my opinion. As uncomfortable as that may be, I’m okay with that.

However, when someone is disrespectful to me or others who post, I delete the comments. I used to try to reason with them, but reasoning is not their goal.

Still, when someone speaks disrespectfully to me in person, I can’t just delete their hurtful remarks. I’m not always able to respond in the way that I hope is Godly. Often, I’m surprised by the comment — especially if it’s someone I know — and it takes me a moment to register.

For the most part, I choose to not respond. Not necessarily because I’m a patient person with self-control. It’s mostly because I don’t know what to say.

How do you handle someone who instigates — or tries to instigate — an argument? I’d love to get your experiences. How you’ve learned to wisely respond — or not respond — to a foolish arguer.

May we learn how to respond in a Godly fashion to a fool and their mouth, my friends.

Proverbs 18:6 Tree of Life Bible Society, Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible#tlvproverbs