Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 19:16

Terri GillespieWisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs

It’s not rocket science, but it is brilliant!

TODAY’S PROVERB: One who keeps a mitzvah [commandment] guards his soul, but one who neglects His ways will die. Proverbs 19:16

30444247It’s not rocket science. Our Heavenly Father’s commandments are simple, straight forward, but it’s amazing how difficult they are to keep them.

Don’t lie. Honor the Sabbath. Don’t covet. Honor our parents. And so on.

We probably know all the 10 Commandments (Exodus 20), but did you know Jesus took those commandments even further? He said that not only can we not DO the sin, we can’t THINK or entertain the sin in our mind (Matthew 5:17-48).

When our heart and mind are fixed on our Heavenly Father, our body will be better able to submit to His will. Our soul will be guarded from the sins that so easily entangle us (Hebrews 12).

One of the most practical and beautiful of prose about adhering to our Father’s commandments is in Psalms chapter 19, especially verses 8-10:

The Torah [Law] of Adonai is perfect,
    restoring the soul.
The testimony of Adonai is trustworthy,
    making the simple wise.
The precepts of Adonai are right,
    giving joy to the heart.
The mitzvot [Commandments] of Adonai are pure,
    giving light to the eyes.
The fear of Adonai is clean,
    enduring forever.
The judgments of Adonai are true
    and altogether righteous.

Still, when we fail, it’s important to remember that because of Yeshua’s atoning sacrifice, our loving Father accepts our repentance and guides us through any repercussions for those sins. The Holy Spirit counsels and teaches us lessons we can learn from it all. Then we can help others (Psalm 51).

It’s not rocket science, but it is brilliant!

May our souls be guarded by His commandments, my friends.

Proverbs 19:16