Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 19:4

Terri GillespieWisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs 2 Comments

How do you choose a friend?

TODAY’S PROVERB: Wealth adds many friends, yet a poor man is deserted by his friend. Proverbs 19:4

What are the reasons we are drawn to other people? What is it that compels us to be friends?

There’s actually very little research about the friendship dynamic for adults. So, that leaves the field open for me to give my humble opinion which is based on my own experiences with healthy friendships and not-so-healthy relationships. And believe it or not, we can have both in our life.

What draws us to want to be friends with someone? Is it beauty? Popularity? Wealth? Shared history? Values? Similar behavior patterns or familiar behavior patterns? The answer to these options? All of them can play a role in who we choose to invest in building relationships.

chaseHave you ever had someone who chose you as a friend? Sought you out and persevered until that made their case that they would be a good friend? I’ve been on both sides of that situation.

This proverb seems to indicate we are by nature a species that seeks out those who embody what we want in our own life. I suppose, if our goals are wholesome and Godly there’s nothing wrong with that.

But, what if our Heavenly Father has additional goals for us? Ones that embrace the inclusion of folks who wouldn’t normally be on our “friend invite list?” People who aren’t what the world would consider successful or desirable? Yet, they offer the experiences of living a life of integrity? They have something to offer and need what we can offer?

The only way we’ll know that is if we take the time to get to know  a person and prayerfully seek the LORD for guidance and confirmation.

I’ll be forever grateful to the friends who saw past the poor, odd, wounded woman to the person my Father created me to be. They are my most cherished treasures.

May we be loyal to the friends God calls into our lives, my friends.

Proverbs 19:4, Tree of Life Bible Society, Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible#tlvproverbs

[WATCH Tree of Life Bible Society’s CEO, Daniah Greenbergrg and me, Terri Gillespie, Author dig a little deeper with this proverb. Check us out at Tree of Life Bible Society, Monday through Friday, LIVE at 8:30am EST. Watch previous episodes there as well. Stay wise, my friends!]
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