Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 21:28

Terri GillespieWisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs

Are you a true witness?

TODAY’S PROVERB: A false witness will perish, but a man who hears will speak forever. Proverbs 21:28

For most of us, today’s proverb is probably a “blink” proverb.** The verse seems a bit confusing so I checked out a couple commentaries to see what other people much smarter than me had to say. I really liked Charles Ellicott’s A Bible Commentary for English Readers.

The commentary speaks of a true witness as being someone who observes and listens well. That this is part of their character. When it comes time to testify, they are careful to be accurate and only speak what is factual.

A true witness’s testimony lives on . . .


Ellicot goes on to say that this true witness’s testimony lives on in truth. I like that image, don’t you?

My takeaway from this is the reminder that as followers of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and His Son, Jesus, I need to continually hone my character to be more observant and to listen. To be slow to anger and offense so that I can observe with an even temper. Before I ever testify, I need to be sure it is the pure truth — no embellishments, opinions, or judgments.

When I’m in a position to convey what I know, I need to be careful of judging others’ motivations. To be a true witness.

May we be true witnesses, my friends.

Proverbs 21:28, Tree of Life Bible Society, Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible#tlvproverbs

**A “blink” proverb is a proverb that on the surface, we don’t believe applies to us or is relevant for today. However, on closer reflection, there are significant insights and wisdom for us. Thanks to Dr. Raleigh Washington for coining the great analogy.