Are we gazing?
TODAY’S PROVERB: Do not gaze at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it glides down smoothly. Proverbs 23:31, TLV
With the greatest respect, I don’t believe there is anything inherently wrong with a glass of wine. Personally, I’m not one of those people who looks forward to a glass of wine with a fine meal. I get that a lot of folks celebrate in that way, but my body chemistry is such that I can’t handle it and I frankly don’t like the taste.
I take after my dad. He was also not one to imbibe regularly. And if he did, many times he got horribly ill.
There are medicinal properties to wine. From strengthening bone density to reducing the chances of heart disease and stroke to boosting the immune system, that fermented grape can do a body good.
Ironically, red wine is a natural means of reducing the effects of a condition called Benign Essential Tremors (BET). Remember the actress Katherine Hepburn? How she shook? She had BET.
I was diagnosed with BET about 20 years ago. My neurologist said that red wine worked really well in reducing the sometimes embarrassing and uncomfortable tremors. Not white wine, or blush, only red. Sigh. Too bad red wine gives me a headache.
Addiction or Problem Drinkers

Many souls struggle with addictions to alcohol. For them, it is difficult to make the choice to abstain from it, or even to drink in moderation. They need to “flip that switch” in their brain. It might be to shut down runaway thoughts and stresses. Or it can be to numb the pain.
Proverbs chapter 23 brings to the forefront the issue of addiction and over-indulgence (vss. 1,2,20,21,29-35). This is an ancient problem. And as science has shown, there are some folks whose bodies can’t handle even the smallest amount of alcohol. Some bodies can develop addictions quickly. Others can enjoy a glass or two once in a great while and not have the need for more.
Whatever our situation, if we are struggling or someone we love or care about is, know that our Creator knows our bodies well. He understands and wants to restore us. If you think it’s time to seek Him about this for yourself or a loved one, that’s the best place to begin. It may mean He wants you to enjoy that abundant life without that glass of sparkling fermentation.
May we see the true nature of that drink, my friends.
Proverbs 23:31 Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible, #tlvproverbs
Recovery Programs for addiction or problem drinking (this is just a sampling, there may be private, faith-based programs in your area):
CRC Health Group
Crossroads Recovery Center
Alcoholics Anonymouse