Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 30:14

Terri GillespieWisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs

Which generation are you?

TODAY’S PROVERB: There is a generation whose teeth are swords and whose molars are knives, to devour the poor from the earth and the needy from among humanity. Proverbs 30:14, TLV

Which generation has teeth like swords today? Is it the Baby Boomers? Gen X? Gen Y? I suppose history will evaluate all of us.

Experts have discovered over the years that each generation is a product of the previous ones. What these ancestors sowed into their wise and foolish decisions are reflected in the behaviors and ideals of their descendants.

But, do we have to be defined by a title or by the behaviors and decisions of our ancestors? I believe whatever “generation” we’re a part of, we should strive to be who our Heavenly Father created us to be: His generation.

When we seek to fulfill His commands and follow in His footsteps, the predilection for certain sins that may define our peers or our family, won’t have to affect us. Because, we have been set apart for His glory, not theirs.

May we seek to be His generation, my friends.

Proverbs 30:14 Tree of Life Bible Society, Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible#tlvproverbs