Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 31:1

Terri GillespieWisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs

Today’s Blog: Who is King Lemuel?

TODAY’S PROVERB: The words of King Lemuel, an oracle that his mother taught him… Proverbs 31:1, TLV

As we close 2019, I felt led to this seemingly lowly verse. It’s really more like a heading. And who is this Lemuel-guy? Scholars aren’t even really sure. He’s only mentioned in two verses of Proverbs 31 — nowhere else in the Bible.

The scholars are divided between King Lemuel being King Solomon and some other king from one of the local nations. Given Lemuel means “belonging to God” and the first verses of Proverbs 31 is a mother’s warning about women and drink, I tend to lean toward King Solomon. Because brilliant and gifted though he be, the man clearly had a problem with women.

So, why this verse at such an auspicious time? A time of reflection as we enter a new year and decade? I suppose because when I reflect on this year, I think of the things to be grateful for and the things I wish I had done differently. That I want to take what I learned and apply it to 2020 and the future.

Whoever this king was, his mother knew the importance of wisdom. She knew that a king would need a lifetime investment of living and studying wisdom. Which is why, to truly understand God’s wisdom, we must live it.

Live it every day. And ironically — or not — there are 31 chapters. One chapter each day. With a focus on one passage each day, because we know that the following months for the rest of our days we’ll glean from each chapter incredible, practical insights.

These little blogs . . .

These little blogs are my Wisdom Journey. I’ve shared some revelations, insights, and embarrassing moments — my mistakes and triumphs. So have many of you. Honestly, it takes close to 3 hours each day to dig into the word, my heart, and a bit of the creative. I really thought this was the last year I would post these blogs, but for now, my Heavenly Father has not given me a release.

After over three years, another delightful thing has happened. Parents are passing these lessons on to their “princes and princesses.” Investing in future generations, to equip them to live in this world is the highest honor. King Lemuel’s mother knew that.

As we close 2019, I pray that you will have a hunger for the wisdom of the Creator of the Universe. That this hunger will drive a desire to live Proverbs — live wisdom. May you rise up and teach new generations. And if we continue to share that journey, I will be blessed when we share more insights together.

May we continue the journey, my friends.

Proverbs 31:1 Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible#tlvproverbs